Week 2

Hanging out on the couch with Bikkei

Taking a nap with Bikkei, we're now best buddies

Ishi still keeping a safe distance

The Frog arrives for bath time

Swimming in the bath: Learning to float
Lesson 1 from Water Baby

Time for bed

Aki bundled up

"Bikkei, I think grandma made that blanket for Aki"

Aki bundled up in his car seat and headed on his first excursion

Dad and Aki at Snoqualmie Falls. Dad thought Snoqualmie would be a great middle name but mom vetoed that idea.

Aki's little hand

Ishi checks out a cat that grandma made--I think we better put this out of reach.

Everyone loves a good nap

Ishi decides to check out the new creature taking up space on his couch.

Aki discovers his thumb