Robe Canyon Hike
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A few miles east of Granite Falls, the South Fork of the Stilliguamish River flows through Robe Canyon. The canyon still retains the rich history of the Monte Cristo Railroad and is known as one of the country's top expert kayak runs (Robe Canyon whitewater). Just a few weeks ago a new hiking trail, built by volunteers and following the old railroad grade, opened along the canyon providing a great new low elevation hike that can be enjoyed throughout the winter (more information: Robe Canyon Historic Park). Tom and Aki went out with friends to see this new trail, known as the Lime Kiln Trail, and the 6.8 mile hike was our first big day hike excursion.

Tom and Aki in Robe Canyon: Aki slept for the whole hike.

Jan and daughter Cassia looking down into Robe Canyon from the old railroad grade.

The trail takes its name from this Lime Kiln constructed around 1900 along the rail line. Locally mined limestone was burned in this kiln deriving lime that was used in construction.

Remants of the logging history remain including several old saw blades like this one. The land for Snohomish County's Robe Canyon Historic Park was purchased from timber companies in the 1990's through the leadership of the Stillaguamish Citizens' Alliance and with support from Snohomish County Conservation Futures and assistance from the Trust for Public Land, Western Rivers Conservancy, and Cascade Land Conservancy.

Tom and Jan with their newborns Aki and Cassia on the Robe Canyon trail.