Aki's First Overnight Trip: Boating, the Ocean, and Snow
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Aki's first paddling road trip: Thanksgiving on the Olympic Peninsula.

Thanksgiving Dinner at Ocean Park Resort at La Push on the Quileute Reservation.

3:30 am
Ishi wondering if Tom will ever put that damn camera away and get back to keeping the bed warm.

Friday Morning: After an hour hike to the river the paddlers enjoy one of the region's most scenic runs on Matheny Creek.

Rie and Aki on the Pacific Coast with James Island in the background.

Bikkei and Ishi find a whole world of new smells at the beach.

Yuri takes Bikkei and Ishi to the beach. Bikkei wants to know when he can get back to the cabin...

...so he can suck on his ball and sit by the fire.

Tom and Aki take advantage of the big tub for a swimming lesson.

Aki practicing his back float.

Bikkei: what a fine hound.

The family at Hurricane Ridge in Olympic National Park on a rare winter day with clear weather.