New Year's
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New Year's is a major Japanese holiday and although we didn't get a chance to go back to Japan this year we did enjoy the holiday at our home in Seattle.

Tom cooks tempura for New Year's Eve.

New Year's Eve dinner: tempura and soba.

New Year's Day
This was Rie's contribution to brunch.
All sorts of goodies from the Asian produce section.

Aki chills out in front of the TV while we get the food ready (I had no idea they made these programs for 3 month olds--this one features spinning tops, bouncing balls, and puppets all set to a classical music soundtrack).

A Japanese style New Year's Day brunch.

A closer look at all the food.

Aki pulls in the loot from Aunt Yuri as he receives his traditional gift of money for the New Year: maybe he'll put that towards dad's new kayak.

Aki is just starting to interact with the creatures that hang from his play mat.

After a filling brunch, time to turn on the Bowl Games and take a nap.

Bikkei may look like she's sleeping but really she's just waiting for undigested milk that might come bubbling back up.

After New Year's, Rie heads back to work.

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