Japanese Hanami

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In Japan heading out to view the cherry blossoms is a spring tradition. The ephemeral flowers are at there peak for only a few days and it's one of those things that everyone takes time out to enjoy. We had a wonderful ride into the mountains of Gunma in search of soba noodles and viewing the cherry trees on the way.

The drive to Gunma.

Aki hanging out with Grandpa while waiting for soba noodles.

Aki looking for a kiss from Grandma.

We stopped at this temple to view this particularly impressive cherry tree.

Mom, Grandma, and Aki under the cherry tree.

Mom and Aki under the cherry tree.

Aki rubs the Buddha's head for good fortune.

We stopped in this little town with cherry blossom lined streets.

Aki and Grandma enjoying a walk along the cherry trees.

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