Tsukiji Fish Market

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The Tsukiji Fish Market is one of the world's great fish markets. Every morning fresh fish come in off the boats or are flown here from oceans around the world. The Japanese certainly have an appetite for fish and one can find all sorts of creatures poking out from the floor-to-ceiling stacks of styrofoam boxes.

Just getting to the market is an adventure in itself. The market is an absolute whirlwind of activity as these carts whizz around the stalls at breakneck speed, stopping on a dime as hazard appear, and then bouncing off in seemingly random directions that follow no correlation to established routes.

The fish is largely distributed and on it's way to shops and restaurants by late morning so if you arrive later you mostly find lots of fish heads.

Seafood is packed into stalls jammed full of styrofoam boxes. Carts scurry back and forth to the icehouse to keep the fresh shellfish cool.

Tucked into back corners of the market are the eating establishments. Most of these places put more emphasis on great food than looks and it's a task to squeeze your way in but the food is incredible and obviously fresh from the ocean having been selected from the market earlier that morning.

Aki builds his fan club and works the crowd on the Tokyo streets.

Yuki and Aki at the subway station by the market.

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