Ski to Sea Race

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Tom joined a team for the annual Ski to Sea Race held in Bellingham over Memorial Day weekend. This is an seven-leg relay race that starts on the slopes of Mount Baker and ends on the water at Bellingham Bay. The legs include downhill ski, cross country ski, running, road bike, canoe, mountain bike, and sea kayak. It's an all day event and Tom was the kayak leg.

Boats lined up at the mountain bike-kayak exchange area.

Aki hanging out as we wait for our team.

Ready for his leg.

Team Photo: Rebecca (mountain bike), Aaron, (road bike), Kelly (canoe, bow), Josh (canoe, stern), Ali (downhill ski) at the finish. Our cross country skier and runner didn't make it to the finish party.

Tom on the Water

Tom at Finish (photo 1, photo 2, photo 3, photo 4)

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