Tallulah Gorge

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Every spring and fall Georgia Power releases water into the Tallulah Gorge for whitewater recreation. American Whitewater negotiated these releases through the hydropower relicensing process and now hundreds of boaters come to enjoy the releases.

Water spills over the dam and cascades into the Tallulah Gorge.

Looking downstream into the Tallulah Gorge.

Aki enjoyed roaming the boater parking lot trying out all the different paddles and boats. He really liked this Perception Full Tilt and is leaning towards a Werner Double Diamond paddle.

Aki trying on dad's helmet. It's a little big.

Elizabeth agreed to watch Aki while Tom went down to see the Tallulah Gorge at river level. Here Tom scouts Oceana, probably the biggest regularly run rapid in the world. Each release weekend there are over 100 runs down this bedrock slides which drops 55' vertical feet.

Tom emerges from the foam after dropping Oceana. That was a wild ride!

Aki wanted to get in on the river action too. He enjoyed splashing about in the Chattooga River.

Aki and Elizabeth floating leaves down the river.

A couple of tired travelers.

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