Visiting Japan: Enjoying Food and Fun with Yamazaki Grandparents

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After sitting around the airport in Seattle for 7 hours as the maintenance crew replaced an engine pump, Tom and Aki took off for Japan. It was a good flight across the ocean with Aki sleeping most of the time having worn himself out racing around the lounge at the airport. We arrived at Grandma and Grandpa's house at midnight the next day. Grandma has been cooking up a storm in the kitchen and Aki has been able to try all sorts of new foods.

I don't think Grandma Yamazaki approves of Aki's table manners but he sure does enjoy her soba noodles.

Aki tries sushi for the first time.

More fun food to explore. Aki sizing up niku-manju, a Chinese meat-filled pastery.

Aki working his way to the good stuff inside.

Aki learns about the Japanese kotatsu, a table with a heating element underneath. I bet Bikkei would love this.

Aki in heaven. He loves Japanese mikan.

Aki takes some time out to enjoy activities other than eating and bangs out a a tune on grandma's piano.

Working the whole keyboard.

Aki has just taken up scribbling.

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