Grande Ronde

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The Grande Ronde is located in northeast Oregon and is a tributary of the Snake River. Cousin Elizabeth came out for a visit and we went down the river to enjoy Aki's first overnight river trip. Willie and Kristin joined us by kayak.

This is the view looking towards the east down into the canyon of the Grande Ronde.

Tom rowing the raft with Aki at his side making a careful study of how to read the river.

Willie and Kristin out in front paddling down the Grande Ronde.

Tom at the oars.

Elizabeth at the oars.

Aki, having watched everyone else, takes a turn rowing the raft.

All that rowing is hard work. Time for a break.

Hanging out in camp.

Helping with dinner. Bringing over a pepper for Willie to cut up for burritos.

Crashed out in the sleeping bag after a long day on the river.

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