Ashlu Festival

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The Ashlu has been under threat of hydropower development for the last several years. Local paddling legend Stuart Smith has been a leader in the battle against this project that would devestate one of British Columbia's most spectacular rivers. For the third year he has organized the Ashlu Festival which attracts paddlers from throughout the region and across the globe. Aki and I made the trip up to enjoy the party.

The first part of any river festival is finding a good camping spot. Aki is starting to learn about setting up the tent.

Boats, boats, and more boats. Aki decides to help out with loading for the morning trip.

Aki ready to go with boat and paddle.

Boats loaded ready to go.

Scouting the rapid known as Last Tango on the Ashlu.

Watching the paddlers running Last Tango. Aki decided not to run it this trip.

Hiking down Commitment Canyon on the Ashlu. The hydro project that is planned for this gorge would divert the river around this canyon and put it in a pipe.

On Sunday Aki and I went over to run the Cheakamus River.

Aki on the Cheakamus.

Tom and Aki on the Cheakamus.

Next Set of Summer 2006 photos