Aki's First Christmas
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Aki's first Christmas was in Indiana and celebrated in conjunction with the 60th wedding anniversary of Aki's great grandparents. We had an exciting journey that included a major winter snowstorm, shortages of deicer fluid, and cancelled flights: it was a Christmas to remember.

Rie's mom called us in a panic after seeing the mountains of luggage and stranded travelers on the Japanese news. She was afraid Aki was buried under one of those piles of luggage or lost in a snowbank somewhere.

Aki's Christmas outfit (I tried telling Rie this was for Easter, but she decided it was just too cute to pass up).

Tom and Aki at Christmas Eve service: Aki slept and ate.

Christmas morning beneath the tree.

Rie got some much needed rest as dad took over some of the feeding duties. On Sunday Rie had a chance to go see Peyton Manning break the single-season touchdown passing record when she went to the game with cousin Mike.

Aki worn out after a morning of unwrapping presents.

Aki's grandma once again emerged from her sewing frenzy with some very cool gifts. The quilt was for Rie and the title is "Where's Ishi" as one of the squares has a Boston Terrier that looks just like Ishi.

Uncle Jim and Aunt Lara gave Aki this very cool rattle. Aki was able to shake it a few times before dropping it and it's the first object he has interacted with (play video clip)

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